I was in Tegucigalpa, the city where my son lives, in a student center area. I was on the second floor. The center was open to the street. I saw Sean P Diddy Combs standing in front of a utility pole or news stand and I couldn't fully see what happened, but I saw he got shot. 1 or 2 times. I thought it was just a simple occurrence and that maybe he would recover, but then 4 or 5 guys with automatic weapons appeared and started shooting at him in rapid succession. This was more like a hit, something that was organized and planned out. They knew he was gonna be at this location ahead of time and executed their plans. I was taken a back, but I really wasn't scared up until that point because P. Diddy clearly seemed to be their target. But then on of the shooters started shooting towards the people on the balcony and office windows on the first floor. One of the shooters came onto the 2nd floor walkway to begin to shoot at us, me and the other students and teachers on the floor. It's as if they wanted no witnesses. I got down on the floor. There was no where else to go. There was a 4 year old girl on the balcony which I shielded with my body. I also was next to a woman which I kind of snuggled with. We were just trying our best to stay low to the ground and inconspicuous. After it was over and a few of us had been shot, we got back up. I handed the 4 year old back to her parents. As I got up to leave, I thought about asking the woman's for her number, but she beat me to it. She started talking in Spanish and I had worried that she didn't speak English, but she did. She said it would be nice to continue safety and cuddling that we started during this time and have someone to talk about all of this with. I agreed. She was quoted cute. I got her number. Later on, I got home and talked to my dad, he kind of looked like Fred Sanford. I had turned on the news, expecting the story of P. Diddys shooting to be covered up, but it wasn't. But istead of being covered with a tone of shock, there was a tone of satisfaction at his misfortune. My dad said he was going to the downtown market to eat and that I should go, but then he recanted and knew I might be scared of the violence I had just been to and that it might reoccur to me. I thought about my son briefly and realized that he might be dealing with the threat of violence in a daily basis and that I should get him out of there, but then I thought the best thing he could do is take care of his mom and little brother and also, I don't have a space for all of them in the States anyhow. I made my way to the market. I wasn't sure where it was exactly. I wasn't using my phone or GPS to get there, just going by sense of intuition and memory. I indeed was afraid of walking the street lest I get encountered by another gang, so I decided to fly. I had might in my chest that allowed me to liftyaelf off the ground amd fly. There was a steep hilly street I started on and didn't have the confidence I could make it over. I lifted off the ground and then headed right back down. I got up again, got myself together and told myself I could do it, so I did. I didn't fly high, just enough to go from house to house on the second level. I came in through windows and peoples homes and apartments. I thought I would risk fights and people throwing me out, but I rarely encountered anyone. I encountered a lady who's left the door open behind her in her apartment building for me. She assumed I was just another neighbor. In another building, I came in through the 2nd floor window and looked for a way out. I found my was to the ground floor where a hostel room was located. On of the guests said hello to me and wanted to introduce himself. I said hi, but kept on going. On my flight through the town I had not been sure if I was going the right way or not and almost went to the ground to ask directions, but I was still afraid of people. I saw a food stand or a couple of food stands that were lit up on the side of the street, but that wasn't the market that was trying to go to. A few more houses in the general opposite direction I had started from, I stumbled upon a well lit, lively food hall downtown and I was there. I made my way to tehe food stand my dad was at.
This dream seems to be symbolic of feelings of vulnerability and fear, as well as a desire for safety and connection. The presence of violence, specifically the shooting of P. Diddy and the subsequent threat to the dreamer and others, may represent feelings of danger or anxiety that the dreamer is experiencing in waking life. The dreamer's actions of shielding the 4-year-old girl and seeking comfort from the woman on the balcony suggest a protective instinct and a need for support during challenging times.
Flying in the dream could symbolize a desire to escape or transcend difficult situations, as well as a sense of empowerment and control. The struggle to fly initially may reflect feelings of self-doubt or uncertainty, but ultimately the dreamer finds the strength to overcome obstacles and navigate their way through the town.
The encounter with the woman who left her door open for the dreamer could represent a sense of hospitality and kindness amidst chaos and fear. The dreamer's reluctance to engage with others may indicate a fear of vulnerability or a reluctance to trust others in times of uncertainty.
Arriving at the lively food hall downtown could symbolize a sense of relief, community, and nourishment after a period of fear and uncertainty. Meeting the dreamer's father there could represent a desire for guidance and reassurance from a parental figure in times of trouble.
Overall, this dream may reflect the dreamer's inner struggles with fear, vulnerability, and the search for safety and connection in a world that can feel dangerous and unpredictable. It may be important for the dreamer to reflect on these themes and explore ways to address any underlying anxieties or worries in waking life.